Here we outline some important issues relevant to year end and generally. Please contact us if you would like to review your individual circumstances.
a. Super Co-Contribution up to $500 automatically triggered by personal after-tax contributions (phases out fully where 2023 “total income” > $57,016 (2024 $58,445).
b. Low Income Super Tax Offset up to $500 automatically triggered based on personal or employer before tax contributions (phases out fully where “adjusted taxable income >$37,000).
c. Tax Offset for Spouse Contributions up to $540 triggered by contributions to spouse’s super where adjusted spouse income <$40k
Check with your fund or the ATO website for more details.
What would tax time be without the ATO hitting the press and rattling out the usual suspects in terms of targeted audit attention. COVID resulted in somewhat of a hiatus in compliance activity by the ATO, however during that time their funding and automatic data matching and analysis capability has expanded greatly. For example, the 2023/24 Budget included an extra $89.6m to the ATO and $1.2m to Treasury to extend and expand the Personal Income Tax Compliance Program. There has also been an “investment” of an extra $40.2m on Superannuation Guarantee compliance and $588.8m on GST compliance. Based on recent press releases there appear to be some quite specific areas of focus within their usual list:
Problem areas within Australian Taxation are numerous. Here is a selection of issues that tend to keep us awake at night: